Overseas and Expat Support

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Overseas and Expat Support

There are many reasons why people move abroad; for work, to be closer to family or to simply retire in the sun. However, the dream of relocating can quickly turn into a nightmare when important factors are missed and unexpected life events happen, causing changes to your plans.

At JMW, we can support you and your family to stay in control of your legal affairs if you are planning to move abroad. Speak to us today by calling 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online enquiry form to request a call back.

How JMW Can Help

When relocating, most guidance and services in the market focuses on how to buy a property abroad or healthcare overseas. At JMW however, we offer a tailor-made expat service to support you and your family when you are planning to relocate.

Different countries have different laws when it comes to estate planning, therefore we can advise you on what to do about your UK property, how to sort your financial affairs before or during your move and cross-border legalities, such as managing your will. Unlike many law firms, we have extensive experience in dealing with international Court of Protection matters where clients with foreign assets may need assistance in dealing with foreign legal or financial institutions.

Uniquely, the team speaks 9 other languages between them; Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu and Welsh. By supporting those clients whose first language is not English, they are able to gain a greater understanding of their best interests.

JMW’s Expat Checklist

There are many financial decisions you will need to make before moving to a new country. Below, JMW’s expert solicitors have provided guidance on everything you need to consider, so you can ensure you’re fully prepared before it is time for you to move.

  • Property - Decide what to do with your UK property and tie this in with buying or renting abroad.
  • Future - Consider making a lasting power of attorney, appointing one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) of your choice to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf in line with your wishes. Regardless of health, everyone should consider this, but particularly so if moving abroad to retire. We know it is unpleasant to consider future health, but it is wise to plan ahead. Some examples of when an attorney may need to act on your behalf include alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, stroke, falls, coma, mental health and brain injury.
  • Family - Consider the inheritance laws of where you are moving to. Some countries have different rules to the UK, such as forced heirship, which means you cannot control who your estate goes to. As such it is important to make or update your will so you can choose English law in your will.
  • Affairs - Consider whether a trust, lifetime giving or tax planning may help you achieve your goals for living comfortably abroad and making the most of your assets.
  • Finances - Consider what will happen to your UK pension and state benefits. You can either leave your pension pot in the UK and take your money from abroad or move your pension pot abroad by transferring the money into a qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme. Different charges and tax apply so it is worthwhile making an informed decision. As for your benefits, the UK has social security agreements with some countries that allow you to claim UK contribution-based benefits while you’re there which means that your National Insurance contributions can count towards your eligibility.

Talk to Us

There are many factors to consider when moving abroad. If you are planning to move or have already moved, contact JMW’s expert solicitors today to discuss your options. Call us on 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

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